A 東芝製ハードディスクの一部には、ファームウェアの問題で PowerBookに内蔵した場合、PowerBook側からMaster設定と認識されないものがあります。内蔵ハードディスクがslave設定のままでは起動ディスクにすることはできません。
実際に問題が発生したMK-1214GAPをAki.氏にお願いし、手元に取り寄せ検証してみました。そこで、549_Jumper settingを確認すると、Master設定になっているはずですが、548_Apple system profileを確認するとID=1と、PowerBook 側からはslave設定と認識されていることがわかりました。
一つはMr. Derek Vanderveerより、
"This drive did NOT work for me. I could install software on it when booting from CD-ROM, but could not boot from the drive itself, exactly as other users have already reported with this drive. The good news is that I have been able to track the problem to its source: if you want to use a 12Gb Toshiba drive in your PowerBook, MAKE SURE it has the letter P or Q in its product number (the product number starts with HDD). For example, on the drive I had, the product number was HDD2149F, which was apparently a designation for a drive manufactured for Compaq, and whose firmware is incompatible with Apple machines. On the other hand, MK1214GAP drives with product number HDD2149P or HDD2149Q should work properly. This explains why some users experience problems with this drive, but not others. Those experiencing problems must have something other than the P or Q drives. I hope this helps other users avoid the problems I have experienced! This information was given to me!
By Toshiba's storage division support center, so I think it should be fairly reliable. However, please note that I have not been able to test this theory, as I don't have a P or Q drive to test with."
「CDから起動して、問題なくインストーrできるのに、以前に報告があるようにハードディスクから起動することができません。もしこの12ギガの東芝製ハードディスクをパワーブックで使用するなら、必ずプロダクトナンバーの語尾にP かQの文字があるものを選びましょう。例えば、私の問題のあるドライブのプロダクトナンバーはHDD2149Fで、このFの文字のついたファームウェアはCompaq用のもので、パワーブックには対応していません。PやQのものならパワーブックで使用できます。」
"Installed easily, formatted easily worked well EXCEPT I could not get my Powerbook to boot off it for the life of me. I pulled the Toshiba drive out and yes, it had the notorious "F" on it (although it was not on the "void warranty if seal broken" sticker as others have reported; mine was directly under the M in MK1214GAP). I called up Toshiba support and I mentioned what I had learned here about F designating a Compaq-specific drive. He concurred that this was the problem. Toshiba dutifully overnighted me another MK1214GAP, but this one had a glorious "C" where there was once an F. In short: this replacement drive worked perfectly.
The nature of these codes is a bit more insidious than it first appears. It's not that the "F" drive is optimized for Compaq's per se, but that they are made *deliberately* incompatible, so that the scarcer part can command a higher price. He was using Apple as an example -- apparently Toshiba also makes Mac versions of some drives that will cause equal frustration to PC users. "(一部省略)
PowerBook G3 266/14を使用中のMr. sgypよりMK2016GAPが起動ディスクにならず、次のようなコメントを頂きました。
As I reported before,This drive did NOT work for me as a master drive and it has product number HDD2154L so I guess "L" is no good for Powerbook.
547_Product Number "HDD2154P"はPowerBook G4に取り付けられていた20ギガバイトのMK2016GAPのラベルですが、プロダクトナンバーが記載されています。
現在わかっているのは、A, B, G, N, P, Q, Uはパワーブックで使用可能で、FとLは使用できません。(他にも情報を募集しています)