*1 Mr. Murata, Mr. Pandada report AOK w/PowerBook G3 300/14. Mr. Yamazaki reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14. Mr. Tomioka reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 250/14. Mr. Tajima reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14 running Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X Server. Some report AOK w/PowerBook G3 266/14.
*2 Mr. Ojima,Mr. Isizaki report AOK w/PowerBook G3 250/13, Mr. Saeki, Mr. ken-1, Mr. Tanaka, Mr. TAMA, Mr. Kuboyama, Mr. Yusuke, Mr. Miyauchi, Mr.Sasurai, Mr. Dewa-toshikazu,Mr. Watanabe Mr. Yokoyama report AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14, Mr. junji, Mr. Kado, Mr.Taguchi report AOK w/PowerBook G3 266/14, Mr. Akashi and one other report AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/13, Mr. Yamamoto reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 300/14,Mr. Gotou reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/12DTSN. Mr. Kinoshita reports AOK w/Linux for PPC (RedHat). Mr. Watanabe reports AOK w/LinuxPPC-Q3. Mr. Tanaka, Mr. Yamamoto, Mr. Yusuke, Mr. Gotou report subjective speed increase in launching applications. Mr. Gotou notes it is noisier than OE drive.
*3 Mr. matu reported trouble w/PowerBook G3 266/14, but this has not been reproduced. It could be an isolated incident.
*4 Mr. Matsuura reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 266/14, and that it was the OE disk for some PowerBook G3 300/14 and 292/14 models.
*5 Mr. Mizuno reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 400/14. Mr. Tomas Mr. Saeki and other report AOK w/PowerBook G3 333/14.
*6 Mr. nseki, Mr. Iketani, Mr. Kokubo, Mr. Mizuno, Mr. Takeuchi report AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14, Mr. sakaiéÅ reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/13, other report AOK w/PowerBook G3/300. Mr. Takeuchi notes it is noisier than OE drive.
*7-1 Mr. Sasaki reports it was AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14. Mr. kazu reports no problems after more than six months in PowerBook G3 233/13. Famous Mr. Kaz6120! reports after more than half a year in a PowerBook G3 233/12, there are no problems, but the noise seems to be getting larger, and it worked fine with Mac OS 9.
*7-2 Mr. Takahashi reports in a PowerBook G3 233/14, there were too many errors at startup, forcing him to go back to the OE drive (which works fine) and give up.
*7-3 Mr. akiba reports problems w/PowerBook G3 266/14, Mr. Hayashi reports problems w/PowerBook G3 233/14.
*7-4 Mr. ozaki reports file corruption w/PowerBook G3 233/14, and ended up swapping with a DCXA-210000, which solved the problems.
*7-5 Mr. Taga reports he inherited a DADA-26480 that had problems w/PowerBook G3 233/14, and tried it in a PowerBook 266/14. The result was frequent freezes and not acceptable. It seems that there is no problem with using a DADA-26480 in a PowerBook G3 233/14, but there are a certain number of DADA-26480 that have been damaged for some reason.
*8 Mr. Kobayashi reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 266/14.
*9 Mr. Saito reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14.
*10 Mr. sasarin reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14.
*11 Mr. TAK reports AOK after more than half a year in a PowerBook G3 233/13. He reports it is lowerÅi8.45mm) and lighter (95g) than the OE IBM drive. It emits less heat and noise, and he recommends it.
*12 Workaround is to use VST Format 4.2.8. However, this has drawbacks: (1) partition size limted to 2GB (2) No HFS+ (only HFS) (3) Slow (while Drive Setup yields max 9MB/s, VST Format allows only 2MB/s throughput) (4) VST Format is no longer available (used to be bundled w/expansion bay HD's). Full text in Japanese is available in the FAQ:VST Expansion Bay HD Trouble section.
*13 Mr. kawada reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 333/14. Mr. Martin Grant reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 400/14.
*14 Mr.Toshi, Mr.bou report AOK w/PowerBook G3 400/14, Mr. Yoshi, Mr. Sirius report AOK w/PowerBook G3 333/14. Mr. Yoshi reports it worked fine with Mac OS 9.
Mr. Usui reports that merely copying the System from the OE 6GB HD in a PowerBook G3 400/14 yielded unstable results, which were fixed by a overwrite System install.
Mr.Bou reports that it emitted more heat.
*15 Mr. Isoki, Mr. Watanabe, Mr. Okada report AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/13, Mr. Aki. reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14. Mr. Aki. notes a loud operating noise. Mr. Aoki reports it worked fine with Mac OS 9 on a PowerBook G3 266/14.
*16 Mr. Watanabe reports this was the OE drive in a PowerBook G3 400/14 model.
*17 According to Apple's Tech Info Library 24985:Data Corruption When Reading Audio CDs, the data corruption problems with the PowerBook G3 300/14 when the hard disk was accessed while reading audio track data from an Audio CD, are limited to the combination of the PowerBook G3 Series 1998 and the IBM DYLA-28100 hard drive. This problem can happen with MP3 and QuickTime applications, and this drive should be avoided. This was the OE drive for some PowerBook G3 292/14 and PowerBook G3 300/14 models, so swapping it out is desirable if certain digital audio software applications are to be used.
*18 Mr. GOT2 reports no problems after 3 months in a PowerBook G3 400/14. Although he notes individual drives can vary, he notes exceptional quietness. However, Mr. sugiyama reports that he had trouble such as seemingly successful copies causing an error on reboot or some data within folders to be erased. He had his MK1011GAV replaced with a same model and the problems were solved (bad initial lot).
After 3 months,Mr Sugiyama reports again file corruption, and ended up swapping with a DCXA-210000, which solved the problems.
Mr. Seino and some report this was the OE drive for some PowerBook G3 400/14 models.
Mr. iB@T@ reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 400/14.
*19 Some report this was the OE drive for some PowerBook G3 333/14 models.
*20 I have personally confirmed its compatibility. Mass copies, boot-up, all is OK. It was a bit on the noisier side. After formatting the available size was 23.63GB. Mr. Gerald Balzer reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 300/14. Mr. Taga reports subjective speed increase in a PowerBook G3 266/14. Mr. Mattun reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 266/14,but he notes there is a trouble with wake up from the sleep mode once.
*20-1 Mr. Minami reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 300/333(clocked). He purchased it for $630 from Megahaus. He reported that it emitted more heat.
*21 Mr. TAK reports it is working fine. He also points out that the maximum height of 12.7mm in the Developer Note is in error. He reports only drives up to 9.5mm, such as the Travelstar 12GN, TOSHIBA MK8113MAT, are physically installable. I measured the hard disk cage for the iBook, and found a clearance of only 10.4mm, and with the height of the insulating film and anti-shock rubber spacer, 9.5mm seemed like the largest height that would fit.
*22 Some report this was the OE drive for some PowerBook G3 400/14 models.
*23 Mr. ash reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 333/14 using Drive Setup 1.7.2. There was a high-pitch noise for the first few days, which ceased later on.
*24 It can be successfully installed in an iBook.
*25 Mr. urasaki reports AOK after a year in a PowerBook G3 233/12, and notes a faster boot-up time.
*26 Mr. [spock] reports this drive came in a BTO PowerBook G3 400/14 from the AppleStore.
*27 Mr. PAO, Mr. Envelope report AOK w/PowerBook G3 333/14.
Mr.Ogasawa reports this was the OE drive for his PowerBook G3 400/14.
*28 Mr. Uno reports that when he had a PowerBook G3 266/14 repaired at Apple for a faulty hard disk, it came back with a FUJITSU 4.8GB hard disk which works AOK.
*29 Mr. Mi reports this was the OE drive for a PowerBook G3 333/14.
*30 Mr. Kaji reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 333/14.
*31 Mr. Li reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14.
*32 Reported to be hot-swappable, mountable and unmountable w/PowerBook G3 333, 400.
*33 In my PowerBook G3 300/14, there are no problems with a restart, but it is NOT recognized when hot-swapped. However, the same drive is hot-swappable in a PowerBook G3 400/14. Thus, installation in an XcarEt pro for wallstreet should be avoided.
*34 Mr. kikuchi reports no problems after more than six months in both PowerBook G3 300/14 and 266/14.
*35 Mr. kikuchi reports no problems in an XcarEt pro case w/PowerBook G3 400. He notes the construction precision of the XcarEt Pro is not exactly top-notch.
*36 Mr. Tsuchiya reports no problems, including hot-swapping, in an XcarEt Pro for Wallstreet w/PowerBook G3 266/14.
*37 Mr. Tsuchiya reports no problems, in an XcarEt Pro for Wallstreet w/PowerBook G3 266/14.
*38 Mr. kikuchi reports no problems after a temporary test, in an XcarEt Pro 99 w/PowerBook G3 400/14. It was also possible to boot from the drive.
*39 Mr. jagger reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/13.
*40 Mr. Namba reports that this was the OE drive for a PowerBook G3 333/14 model.
*40-1 Mr. YAMAMOTO reports trouble with this drive. Many type 2 and 11 errors occured while using applications, and Disk First Aid reported "PEOF Error 23214 278" and was not able to repair it. He took it to NCR, an Apple Authorized Service Provider, and it was replaced with an IBM drive. This may or may not be an isolated incident. Some report it works w/PowerBook G3 400/14,and note subjective speed increase in launching applications such as Internet Explorer. But the noise seems to be getting larger.
*41 Mr. Matsuda purchased an XcarEt pro 99 and DARA-212000 separately from MCE. Although the manual tells you to initialize with Drive Setup after installing the drive in the XcarEt case, the drive was recognized without being initialized. It had already been formatted in HFS+, with an available space of 11.24GB. He reports it works AOK and is bootable.
*42 Mr. kosaka of Daijin's World reports it works w/PowerBook G3 333/14 and the iBook. Mr. kosaka has articles regarding the usage in the iBook at his page. This is one of the few 2.5 inch hard disks that has a 1MB cache, and it is worth watching if this trend takes off. Some report AOK w/PowerBook G3 400/14 and PowerBook G3 333/14.
*43 Mr. SATOU kindly tested whether this could be formatted with Drive Setup and hot-swapped. There were no problems with large copies of 1GB files, and hot-swapping was incident free. I would like to thank Mr. SATOU for his kindness.
*44 Mr. ken-tou reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/13, and a formatted available size of 9.36GB.
*45 Mr. Imajo reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/300(clocked). He reports subjective speed increase in a PowerBook G3 233/300(clocked).
*46 Mr. ichiro reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 266/14, Mr. Matsunaga , Mr. Okamoto report AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14, Some report AOK w/PowerBook G3 250/13. Mr.ichiro and Mr. Matsunaga note a loud operating noise. After formatting the available size was 11.24GB.
*47 Mr. Sakuma reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/12TFT. He notes it is 1.7 times faster than OE drive(TOSHIBA MK2105MAV),but noiser. Mr. Koyanagi reports AOK w/PowerBook G3 233/14,and he notes it is noisier than OE drive. After formatting the available size was 5.59GB.
*48 Mr. takuma reports no problems, including hot-swapping and mass copies, in an XcarEt Pro 99 w/PowerBook G3 333/14.
*49 Mr. Fjimoto Kengo reports no problems, including hot-swapping and mass copies, in an XcarEt Pro 99.
*50 Mr. TakumaÅ@Mr. Iwaki report AOK w/PowerBook G3 333/14. He reports subjective speed increase in a PowerBook G3 333/14.
*51 Mr. suck-rock.kong AOK w/PowerBook G3 300/333(clocked).
Mr. Mauro said,"Hard Drive is getting noisier after four months of work. At first it was at normal levels, now it whines during idle and normal operation. Need to be replaced. It has become uncomfortable to work with the noise. I work with audio recording and can't tolerate noise."
*52 Mr. Takuma reports no problems, including hot-swapping and mass copies, in an XcarEt Pro 99 w/PowerBook G3 333/14.
*53 Some report no problems, including hot-swapping, in an XcarEt Pro 99.
*54 There are a few reports of trouble not being able to boot from the TOSHIBA MK1214GAP. This problem happens when the unit is recognized as slave, since ALL IDE disks in a PowerBook G3 Series must be set to Master. When I reviewed a problematic unit, it was only recognized as slave although it had no jumper pins -- which should set it as Master, and the same unit is recognized as Master in a DOS/V laptop. We are not able to find a solution to this problem yet. Out of 22 reports so far, there have been 3 problems. Full text in Japanese is available at the FAQ: Problems with MK1214GAP section.
New Report from Mr. Derek Vanderveer.
"This drive did NOT work for me. I could install software on it when booting from CD-ROM, but could not boot from the drive itself, exactly as other users have already reported with this drive. The good news is that I have been able to track the problem to its source: if you want to use a 12Gb Toshiba drive in your PowerBook, MAKE SURE it has the letter P or Q in its product number (the product number starts with HDD). For example, on the drive I had, the product number was HDD2149F, which was apparently a designation for a drive manufactured for Compaq, and whose firmware is incompatible with Apple machines. On the other hand, MK1214GAP drives with product number HDD2149P or HDD2149Q should work properly. This explains why some users experience problems with this drive, but not others. Those experiencing problems must have something other than the P or Q drives. I hope this helps other users avoid the problems I have experienced! This information was given to me!
By Toshiba's storage division support center, so I think it should be fairly reliable. However, please note that I have not been able to test this theory, as I don't have a P or Q drive to test with."
Some reports
"Installed easily, formatted easily worked well EXCEPT I could not get my Powerbook to boot off it for the life of me. I pulled the Toshiba drive out and yes, it had the notorious "F" on it (although it was not on the "void warranty if seal broken" sticker as others have reported; mine was directly under the M in MK1214GAP). I called up Toshiba support and I mentioned what I had learned here about F designating a Compaq-specific drive. He concurred that this was the problem. Toshiba dutifully overnighted me another MK1214GAP, but this one had a glorious "C" where there was once an F. In short: this replacement drive worked perfectly. The nature of these codes is a bit more insidious than it first appears. It's not that the "F" drive is optimized for Compaq's per se, but that they are made *deliberately* incompatible, so that the scarcer part can command a higher price. He was using Apple as an example -- apparently Toshiba also makes Mac versions of some drives that will cause equal frustration to PC users. "
Mr. sgyp reports:"As I reported before,This drive did NOT work for me as a master drive and it has product number HDD2154L so I guess "L" is no good for Powerbook."
*55 Mr. Akiyoshi Taira reports no problems w/iBook.
*56 Famous Mr. Ka-Ku@Nigiiro-Ringo-wa-Donnaaji? reports no problems, including hot-swapping and mass copies, in an XcaEt Pro 98.
*57 Mr. Eizou reports trouble not being able to boot from DARA-212000. Mr.taki of iMac LOVERS reports trouble with returning from the sleep mode w/DARA-206000 and PowerBook G3 233/14.
This issue originates in abnormality of the PowerBook speep mode magnetic sensor. Full text in Japanese is available at the FAQ: Can't wake up with DARA212 section.
*58Mr. Sasaki reports no problems,including hot-swapping and booting,in an XcaEt Pro 98 w/PowerBook G3 233/14.
*59 Mr. Yano, Mr terurin and some report AOK w/PowerBook G3 400/14.
*60 Mr. Yano reports no problems, including hot-swapping, in an XcarEt Pro 99.